A Zambian police officer, Detective Inspector Titus Phiri, has been arrested after he released 13 suspects from custody to allow them to celebrate the New Year. The incident took place at the Leonard Cheelo Police Station in Lusaka, where Phiri, allegedly intoxicated, seized the keys to the cells from Constable Serah Banda on New Year’s Eve.
Phiri then unlocked both the male and female cells and instructed the detainees, who were facing charges such as assault, robbery, and burglary, to leave, telling them they were free to start the New Year outside of custody. Of the 15 suspects being held, 13 escaped, and a manhunt has been launched to capture them.
After releasing the prisoners, Phiri fled the scene, and police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga confirmed the incident. The officer has yet to comment on the allegations.
The case has sparked widespread attention, with former presidential spokesperson and lawyer Dickson Jere sharing his thoughts on Facebook. He humorously likened the event to a similar incident in 1997, when controversial High Court Judge Kabazo Chanda ordered the release of 53 suspects, some considered dangerous by the police, after a lengthy delay in their court hearings. Judge Chanda’s famous remark at the time was, “Justice delayed is justice denied.”