The National Unity Platform (NUP) has accused popular musician Alien Skin of orchestrating an attack on its headquarters in Kavule early on Saturday morning. “In the early hours of this morning, at 3:15 a.m., a group led by musician Alien Skin stormed the National Unity Platform Headquarters at Kavule. They trespassed on the premises, threatened the security guard on duty, and vandalized our walls with provocative graffiti,” read a statement issued by NUP. The party also released CCTV footage showing Alien Skin and his group emerging from three cars to launch the attack on the party’s offices. NUP strongly condemned the attack, describing it as part of a recurring strategy employed by adversaries to destabilize opposition activities, especially in the lead-up to elections. In a pointed remark, NUP drew parallels to controversial figures associated with past political violence, stating, “It is unfortunate that these individuals have failed to learn from those previously used by the regime and other enemies of the
people, including Sipapa, Sobi, Zebra, Kitatta, and others. It is disheartening that, as elections approach, there is always a group willing to be exploited to commit crimes against the people. We hope they will reflect on their actions before it’s too late.”

Alien Skin Denies Government Funding Allegations

The allegations arose after a viral incident in
which Alien Skin and his Fangone Forest
gang were filmed vandalizing the NUP
headquarters at night

The group allegedly spray-painted the party’s building, sparking speculation about possible government involvement in efforts toundermine the opposition party. In a TikTok video, Alien Skin strongly refuted these allegations, questioning their basis and asserting his independence. “I am not being paid to attack you as you claim. If I were, would you still be around? Would someone hired to do such things resort to vandalism? Would you even exist? If I had orders from above, would you still be here? Stop making false accusations. They are the ones being paid to fight us. Someone who genuinely opposes you wouldn’t act the way I do. I simply wish you well.” He said The battle is still going on on social media between fangone and NUP supporters. Many bloggers and influencial people like Judith heard , Peng peng and many others have come out and talked about it praising Alien skins stupidity.

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